Directgov – API newydd ar gael, am eu cynnwys

Directgov unveils syndication API Fy hoff darn Reckon you can do a better job of presenting Directgov’s content, in terms of search or navigation? Or maybe you’d prefer a design that wasn’t quite so orange? – go ahead. Want to turn it into a big commentable document, letting the citizens improve the content themselves? –… Parhau i ddarllen Directgov – API newydd ar gael, am eu cynnwys

Casgliad y Bobl

Ble mae’r beta? Cefndir (Saesneg yn unig)

Dull arall o rannu gwybodaeth: ar-lein >> copi caled bookleteer helps people share their stories, ideas, drawings and photographs in dynamic ways that are accessible to others all over the world. Create PDF files that can be downloaded, printed out and made up as shareable paper books and cubes using Proboscis’ unique Diffusion eBooks and StoryCubes. Use bookleteer to create story books, portfolios,… Parhau i ddarllen Dull arall o rannu gwybodaeth: ar-lein >> copi caled

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