@haciaith – ffrwd o gofnodion a sylwadau

Newydd ychwanegu ffrwd o sylwadau’r blog haciaith.cymru i’r cyfrif @haciaith ar Twitter http://twitter.com/haciaith Mae’r cyfrif yn darparu ffrwd o gofnodion fel arfer – a nawr sylwadau. Dibynnu ar ansawdd y sylwadau… y bwriad yw 100% dolenni i sgyrsiau technoleg ac iaith ar haciaith.cymru – wastad ar bwnc. DIM rwtsh amherthnasol yn y ffrwd yma! Wrth… Parhau i ddarllen @haciaith – ffrwd o gofnodion a sylwadau

Arbrofiad New York Times gyda Twitter dynol

The New York Times is turning off the automatic feed for its main Twitter account this week in an experiment to determine if a human-run, interactive approach will be more effective. Maen nhw yn gallu talu am 2 person i redeg y cyfrif! http://www.poynter.org/latest-news/media-lab/social-media/133431/new-york-times-tries-human-powered-tweeting-to-see-if-users-value-the-interaction/ Mae cyfryngau cymdeithasol yn dibynnu ar bobol, mae’n anodd i awtomeiddio… Parhau i ddarllen Arbrofiad New York Times gyda Twitter dynol

Twitter a diwylliant llafar

Diwylliant llafar ac ieithoedd This distinction is probably a bit harder to observe in the English Twitter-verse since English is so thoroughly colonized by writing. Whenever I dive into the Turkish Twitter, I notice tweets employing many forms of Turkish which are solely found in oral Turkish and almost never written down in literate culture.… Parhau i ddarllen Twitter a diwylliant llafar

adborth Twitter i ddefnydd o Saesneg ar raglen teledu yn Quebec

The viewers found out as Lepage introduced them to the plateau that Morenstein and Toth spoke very little French and so the interview was conducted in English. The two even had earpieces installed so the questions could be translated into English for them. Montreal anglos unable to talk in French on a talk show with… Parhau i ddarllen adborth Twitter i ddefnydd o Saesneg ar raglen teledu yn Quebec

Indigenous Tweets: cyfweliad gyda Kevin Scannell gan @Gareth_Mitchell a @billt (Click, BBC World Service)

http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/console/p00fvkxf dechrau 11:40 Diddorol, y sylwadau gan @billt yn enwedig e.e. “fel platfform o ran ieithoedd mae Twitter yn agnostig” Mewn ffordd. Ond, yn fy marn i, y problem pwysicaf ar Twitter (a Facebook) i ieithoedd lleiafrifol yw’r shifft ieithyddol, sef angen ffiltro gwell ac efallai adnabyddiad iaith neu markup yn cleientiaid yn gynnwys twitter.com… Parhau i ddarllen Indigenous Tweets: cyfweliad gyda Kevin Scannell gan @Gareth_Mitchell a @billt (Click, BBC World Service)

Twitter, democratiaeth a dwyieithrwydd yng Nghanada

http://montreal.ctv.ca/servlet/an/local/CTVNews/20110329/mtl_election_twitter_110329/20110329/?hub=MontrealHome Francophone users also appear to be having different conversations than their anglophone peers when it comes to the election. While English-language messages, so far, have most often been about coalitions and taxes, francophones have been more likely to discuss the deficit and families. The style of conversation has also been different in French. While… Parhau i ddarllen Twitter, democratiaeth a dwyieithrwydd yng Nghanada

Papur academaidd am Twitter + teledu

Crynodeb Through content analysis of messages posted on Twitter, we categorize the types of content into a matrix — attention, emotion, information, and opinion. We use this matrix to analyze televised political and entertainment programs, finding that different types of messages are salient for different types of programs, and that the frequencies of the types… Parhau i ddarllen Papur academaidd am Twitter + teledu

Wedi'i gategoreiddio fel post Cofnodion wedi'u tagio , ,

Angen help – cyfieithu Indigenous Tweets

DIWEDDARIAD: Gorffenwyd! Diolch Rhys Wynne. DIWEDDARIAD: Cer i http://indigenoustweets.com/cy/ am fersiwn Cymraeg. Indigenous Tweets Cymraeg http://indigenoustweets.com/cy/ Heddiw mae Kevin Scannell yn gofyn am help gyda chyfiethu http://indigenoustweets.blogspot.com/2011/03/new-languages.html I also added translations of the Basque and Wolof pages, thanks to Julen Ruiz Aizpuru and El Hadji Beye for those. I’d like all of the pages to… Parhau i ddarllen Angen help – cyfieithu Indigenous Tweets

Cymraeg, Twitter ac Indigenous Tweets

Kreyòl Ayisyen 1820 o ddefnyddwyr ar Twitter Euskara 1658 o ddefnyddwyr ar Twitter Cymraeg 1598 o ddefnyddwyr ar Twitter Data yn ôl http://www.indigenoustweets.com – gwefan sy’n casglu defnyddwyr Twitter yn ôl defnydd o ieithoedd lleiafrifol. Rwyt ti’n gallu ymchwilio’r defnyddwyr. Dw i ddim yn siwr am y ffigurau yma ond diddorol. Mwy o wybodaeth http://indigenoustweets.blogspot.com… Parhau i ddarllen Cymraeg, Twitter ac Indigenous Tweets