Clegg, Your Freedom a lleoleiddio am £120,000

Three potential options were considered for translating the content of Your Freedom in to other languages. Firstly, re-architecting the current system, so that it can handle multiple languages. This would mean that users could view a translated version of the site that would mirror the current site but would not translate any user generated content. While this was the best option in terms of giving equal experience to English and other language speakers, because it would involve significant changes to an off-the-shelf-product, the costs were prohibitive at £120, 000 (more than 37 times the cost of the original Your Freedom application).


(Cofnodion eraill am Your Freedom)

YCHWANEGOL: ro’n i’n meddwl basai cofnod yn well gyda’r diwedd:

Secondly, we looked at producing a static page to the existing site copy in other languages and a box into which comments/ideas could be entered. This would have ensured that ideas and comments of those submitting in other languages were gathered. However, the cost of this option was disproportionate at £1, 800 per language, or more than 50% the cost of the original application.

Thirdly, we considered incorporating a sentence of copy at the bottom of the home page text, linking people to a freely-available online translation tool. While cost-free, none of the tools available was judged to be sufficiently accurate.

Having considered options for translation of the content, it was decided that a better approach would be to enable users to submit ideas, which could then be. translated before passing on to officials working on processing and evaluating contributions. At the moment, this option is only available to Welsh speakers. Translation is being provided by the Wales Office.

3 sylw

  1. Swnio fel fod cwmni Delib yn cymryd y pys. Mae nhw wedi defnyddio Plone i greu ‘app’ arbennigol sydd wedi cymryd tipyn o amser mae’n sicr. Mae gan Plone gefnogaeth da ar gyfer lleoleiddio, felly sut mae nhw’n cyrraedd £120k i’w addasu?

  2. Cytuno ond mae unrhyw gwmni yn gallu. Caveat emptor. Ydy Nick Clegg a’r adran yn gallu gweld o gwbl pa mor ridiculous yw’r pris?

    Oes gyda ni problem yn y DU gyda chyllideb o brojectau technoleg yn y sector cyhoeddus? Oes, dw i’n meddwl.

  3. Dyw’r ffaith eu bod nhw wedi defnyddio Plone ddim yn golygu fod ei app nhw yn agored. Yn wir, ‘hosted app’ yw e o dan eu rheolaeth llwyr nhw. Dyna’r broblem gyda’r myth fod angen defnyddio open source er mwyn sicrhau nad yw rhywun wedi ei glymu i un cwmni. Mae nhw eisiau dweud bod nhw’n defnyddio system agored ond yn wir mae gymaint o ‘vendor lock-in’ a unrhyw beth arall.

    Mae yna casgliad o gyrff cyhoeddus yn Lloegr wedi cael eu gorfodi i ddefnyddio meddalwedd ‘open source’. Ond perchnogol yw mewn gwirionedd (ond mewn LAMP felly yn agored!) a mae nhw’n talu degau o filoedd y mis am gefnogaeth y cwmni sy wedi datblygu’r meddalwedd.

    Mae pobl yn meddwl eu bod nhw’n gallu arbed arian, ond mae nhw’n newid un ffordd o dalu am y llall (un cost am ddatblygu gwefan unwaith a symiau bach o arian i’w gefnogi dros y tymor hir, NEU ‘app’ sy’ wedi ei ddatblygu am un pwrpas yn unig gyda costau ychwanegol i’w roi ar weinydd, cefnogaeth technegol ayyb).

    Mae cyrff cyhoeddus yn hoffi’r ail ddewis achos mae’n osgoi cyfrifoldebau mewnol i gynnal y gwasanaeth ac yn ticio blwch ‘service continuity’ .

    Yn y gwaith, ni’n cyflenwi CMS perchnogol amlieithog, ond ni’n ddigon hyblyg i’w addasu neu ei ddatblygu ymhellach am bris rhad iawn. Mae hyn yn llawer mwy effeithiol na trio addasu rhyw feddalwedd monolithig ‘bant o’r silff’..

    Diwedd y rant.

Mae'r sylwadau wedi cau.