Y we ac ieithoedd #roflcon

Cyfarchion o’r Unol Daleithiau! Gwelais i darlith Ethan Zuckerman a danah boyd ddoe. http://roflcon.org/2010/04/30/liveblog-the-future-of-the-world-weird-web/ Cofio hwn? Y Rhyngrwyd Amlieithog (Dw i ddim yn sicr fod dw i’n cytuno gyda popeth yma.) Dw i’n bwriadu postio cofnod llawn gyda fy meddyliau – cyn bo hir!

Mojofiti – amheus iawn

http://mojofiti.com/ “The occasional sentence poorly translated into English was indistinguishable from how people write on the Internet anyway.” (cofnod) ?!

Dysgu ieithoedd / rhwydweithiau cymdeithasol

http://www3.open.ac.uk/media/fullstory.aspx?id=18269 (via hywelm / nwdls) “Research into the impact of technology on language learning has found that the growing use of English in social networking sites is creating a threat to the learning of other languages, of more formal English and even to learners’ first languages…” Trafodwch.