HTML5 – gobaith y we agored

Newyddion tech gorau y mis yn fy nhŷ i:

SlideShare, the website for sharing PowerPoint presentations and other documents, has had a major makeover. The company has ditched Adobe Flash technology entirely, and rebuilt its website using the HTML5 markup language […]

This means that SlideShare is now viewable on every kind of mobile device, from iPads to iPhones to Android devices and beyond. Another perk is that the website is now 30 percent faster and its files take up 40 percent less space than they used to. Search engines can now read the content within SlideShare slides. […]

SlideShare initially set out to build its mobile experience by making individual apps for the Apple store, the Android marketplace, and others, but quickly realized that in the long term such a strategy would not be sustainable. […]

Gobeithio fydd mwy o bobol yn mabwysiadu HTML5 – yn hytrach nag apps ar blatfformau dan gwmniau. Mae’r we a safonau agored mor bwysig. Beth sy’n dda yn yr enghraifft yma ydy’r manteision eraill: platfform niwtral, cyflymder, SEO.

Nawr dw i’n trio dychmygu pob app fel gwasanaeth ar y we trwy HTML5.

Rhaglenwyr: os wyt ti eisiau dysgu sut i adeiladu apps efallai dylet ti ystyried HTML5 (yn lle!).