Dw i newydd ddarllen cofnod blog diddorol gan Anil Dash am ei flwyddyn o aildrydar dim ond menywod, y profiadau mae fe wedi cael a’r gwersi mae fe wedi dysgu.
[…] Maybe the most surprising thing about this experiment in being judicious about whom I retweet is how little has changed. I just pay a little bit of attention before I tap on the icon in my Twitter app, but it’s been effortless to make the switch, and has gotten me far more “thanks for the retweet!” messages than I used to get.
More broadly, I found the only times I even had to think about it were very male-dominated conversations like the dialogue around an Apple gadget event. Even there, I’d always find women saying the same (or better!) things about the moment whose voices I could amplify instead of the usual suspects. And for the bigger Twitter moments I love, like award shows and cultural events, there are an infinite number of women’s voices to choose from.
One thing that has happened, and I’m not sure if it’s attributable to my change in retweet behavior, is that I’ve been in far more conversations with women, and especially with women of color, on Twitter in the past year. That’s led to me following more women, and has caused a radical shift in how I perceive my time on Twitter, even though its actual substance isn’t that different. […]
Ar fy nghyfrif personol dw i wedi bod yn ail-drydar trydariadau mewn categori penodol ers misoedd, sef trydariadau Cymraeg yn unig. O fewn y categori yna mae llwyth o drydariadau yn Gymraeg gan fenywod. Fyddai’r dull Dash ddim yn her anodd yn Gymraeg.
Tybed os yw’r un tueddiadau mae fe’n sôn amdanynt yn wir yn Gymraeg ar Twitter? e.e. ‘gormod’ o leisiau dynion ar bwnciau penodol fel tech, diffyg cynrychiolaeth o farnau menywod ayyb.