Global Voices yn chwilio am leisiau Cymraeg

Mae gwefan yn chwilio am bobol i drosi deunydd i’r Gymraeg. Dyma ebost dderbyniais i gan Ayesha Saldanha (trwy rywun arall). Mae Ayesha yn gyfrannwr a fu’n byw yng Nghaerdydd, sydd nawr yn byw yn Bahrain, ac yn cyfrannu llawer i’r wefan am y Dwyrain Canol:

I thought of contacting you about a website I write for, called Global Voices Online. It’s a site which covers blogs and citizen media around the world.

Global Voices also has sister sites in many different languages; this is called the Lingua project:

Volunteer translators (I should mention that nearly everyone involved in GV is a volunteer) translate GV posts into other languages – from French, Japanese, and Macedonian to Aymara! It occurred to me that you might know people interested in starting a Welsh Lingua site. It’s even something that students might be interested in doing as a project.

Many Lingua sites, once up and running, establish good relationships with mainstream media. For example, Italian GV is paid to provide material to La Stampa.

Have a look at the links and let me know if you think there is potential for a GV Cymraeg…I think it would be really exciting! If you have any questions get back to me – and if you or anyone else you know is interested in getting involved, I can put you in touch with the relevant people at GV.

Os oes diddordeb gan unrhywun yna gallwch gysylltu â nhw yn y blwch yma:

Neu gadwch neges yn y sylwadau a rodda i fanylion cyswllt Ayesha i chi.

1 sylw

Mae'r sylwadau wedi cau.